Friday, May 23, 2008

Six important tips of studying difficult subjects

All subjects are not equally interesting to the students. Students sometimes become afraid of some particular subjects. To some Mathematics is difficult, to some English is difficult, to some Economics is difficult etc. Generally, the difficult subject remains difficult for the whole semester/year. When examination approaches then afraid students perform poor in the examination. No student can avoid reading the so-called difficult subjects. He/She will have to read them, understand them and cross the hurdles of examinations.
The following tips might be helpful in managing the studying difficult subjects: Firstly, please remember that no subject is difficult. The subjects were written and developed by humans like you. You only have to read and understand them. Why should it be difficult?
Secondly, read the difficult subject from the very beginning of the semester/year. Do not keep them untouched day after day. Be aggressive in understanding them and this will help you get rid of fear of the subject and you will feel confident in course of time.
Thirdly, read the difficult subjects repeatedly. Reading one particular chapter once, twice or thrice might not be helpful. Read them as many times as you need.Fourthly, read several books on the subject. It often happens that one particular book cannot give you clear concept. So, reading several books can help you to have mastery on the subject and the subject will no more be 'difficult' to you.Fifthly, read the most difficult subjects in a group. Group study always helps understand any difficult subject better. If a member does not understand a particular issue, other members of the group can help. Also, group study will keep you under pressure and you will feel inspired to read the subject at home. Sixthly, you can take help of your seniors and teachers. Definitely, they can be of great help to you in understanding difficult issues because they faced the same types of problems you are facing today.
So, every student should remember that nothing is impossible in the world. If you do not solve your so-called difficult problems in appropriate time it will become much more complicated to solve later.
Reference: The Financial Express

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